
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

COMC Writing I

Chapter III

2. “One is always in a hurry to be happy…(Dumas,18). Do you agree with this? Consider the context as well.

  Yes, I do agree that many others including myself at times try to look for the quick way to be happy. Like for example buying something you don’t necessarily need, but want. I can’t really say much more than it is true. People do and still are always searching for the quickest way to be happy and that really does kind of blind them or it could be a blessing leading them to Christ.

Chapter IV

2. Do you agree when Dantes says, “I cannot help thinking it is not man’s lot to attain happiness so easily.” (Dumas,21)

Yes, I agree that it is a bit unusual to attain in so easily, and what I mean by this is that it’s not wrong to be happy. I just think from a Christian perspective to have everything fine must mean I’m doing something wrong. My mother once told me “If I’m not struggling then, I must be doing something wrong.” By this I think she meant if we are doing things for God and following him then of course all the demons want to corrupt your walk with God and will try at all cost to make you fall. So with that being said she would always say, “Be happy when you are struggling, because you’re doing something right.”

Chapter VI

2. What are your thoughts on first impressions or first impulses?

I think first impressions are important, but it’s kind of is weird in a way because as Christians are we not supposed to be judgmental on the outer appearance? Yet people around me say, “First impression is very important.” It makes me think if people are really Christians then they won’t judge me if I’m not dressed a certain way, but then yet we spend an hour or so just to make a good first impression, which ultimately is hiding who you really are. So in the end, I think it is important because we should take care of ourselves, but I think it crosses the line where you are covering up who you really are.


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